Graansilo Eten & Drinken
One of the newest restaurants in Groningen is open and is very popular! The restaurant has been nominated by ENTREE Magazine in the category 'best dine & drink concept <150 guests'!
Spatial/Interior Design, Concepting
One of the newest restaurants in Groningen has opened and has been full almost every night since then! The restaurant has been nominated by ENTREE Magazine in the category 'best dine & drink concept <150 guests' !concept <150 guests!
In the preliminary phase, we were able to support client Maripaan Groep in the search for the perfect terrace layout. The stylish design of De Horecafabriek is the basis for this spatial study.
The images were also used for marketing the restaurant and appeared at Visit Groningen, Sikkom and De Smaak van Stad, among others
Curious about the end result? Take a look at https://restaurantgraansilo.nl/ or even better: come by!
https://maripaangroep.nl/ http://www.entreemagazine.nl/entree-awards-best-new-dine-drink-concept-150-guests-graansilo https://www.desmaakvanstad.nl/nieuws/graansilo-wordt-weer-restaurant/ https://www.visitgroningen.nl/nl/blogs/graansilo https://www.sikkom.nl/incoming-graansilo-speciaalbier-bijpassende -eten-prachtig-pand-liefde-terras-en-magnifiek-uitzicht/ https://www.dehorecafabriek.nl/#/graansilo-groningen-1/