Rondweg West 92
Artist impression van de potentie van een beschikbaar winkelpand op A-locatie
Visualization, Marketing
Beeklander visualizes the potential of the retail space with the facade open. The building has a shop/showroom function, a large parking basement and private parking spaces next to the building. The location scores high on visibility. The building is located on one of the busiest roads in Dokkum: Rondweg West 92.
A supermarket, a well-known retailer and a wholesaler were previously located here. In the visualized situation, the facade panels have been replaced by glass. This shows the possibilities, other than using the building in the existing situation.
The rental agent uses the impression to promote the building on its own website and on Funda In Business. The property owner is helped by the impressions because the images appeal to potential tenants.
Interested? Look at https://www.fundainbusiness.nl/winkel/dokkum/object-89879512-rondweg-west-92/